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Kudos Carnival

A 6-week event (November 1st - December 15th), designed to enhance contributions to the Polkadot ecosystem.

Suggested Contributions
OpenZeppelin logo
OpenZeppelin / Polkadot Runtime Wrappers

Clean code comments in macro expansion (from templates)

Hydration logo
Hydration / Hydration UI

Improve staking page interactiveness

Substrate Clients logo
Substrate Clients / Gossamer

feat(overseer): check if header supports parachain consensus

Substrate Clients logo
Substrate Clients / Gossamer

Node shutdown hangs if minimum configured peers have not been acquired

Substrate Testing logo
Substrate Testing / Chopsticks

update smoldot version to latest

Acala logo
Acala / Chopsticks

update smoldot version to latest

Substrate Testing logo
Substrate Testing / Chopsticks

update polkadot.js version to latest

Acala logo
Acala / Chopsticks

update polkadot.js version to latest

Substrate Clients logo
Substrate Clients / Gossamer

Some tests in the dot package fail on MacOS

OpenZeppelin logo
OpenZeppelin / Polkadot Runtime Templates

๐ŸŽ [Feature Request]: Regression tests for bug patches

Xcavate logo
Xcavate / RealXDeal Node

NFT Head to Head battle

Substrate Clients logo
Substrate Clients / Gossamer

Add sync config in CLI

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK

Refactor pallets to V2 bench syntax

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK

polkadot-sdk-docs: Script to shorten all links.

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK

polkadot-sdk-docs: Use command_macro!

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK script fails for asset-conversion-ops pallet

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK

[Umbrella ticket] Improve try-state and integrity-tests coverage for EPM-MB pallet and sub-pallets

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK

[Umbrella ticket] Improve unit test coverage for EPM-MB pallet and sub-pallets

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK

Relay chain coretime assigner does not support more assignments than fit in a single XCM message (currently 28)

Substrate Clients logo
Substrate Clients / Gossamer

Default minimum number of peers is documented to be 5 but is actually 0

Substrate Clients logo
Substrate Clients / Gossamer

Setting the log level for the sync package does not work

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK

Balances: Arbitrary number of genesis accounts

Substrate Testing logo
Substrate Testing / Zombienet

Is there a way to specify the session keys myself?

Substrate Testing logo
Substrate Testing / Zombienet

[docs] Update docs to use chain_spec_path in paras

Polkadot logo
Polkadot / Polkadot SDK

Utility if_else call


About Kudos

Kudos is a platform designed to streamline the process of onboarding new developers to the Polkadot Ecosystem.

We make it simple to browse, search and filter open GitHub contributions across the entire ecosystem, allowing aspiring contributors to find projects and tasks, which match their skill level and interests.

In addition, we provide project maintainers the ability to tag open contributions with custom incentives, ranging from native tokens, NFTโ€™s, POAPโ€™s and many more!

Kudos is working to develop the new emerging narrative: Agile Devtime.

We want to provide projects with the ability to rapidly and flexibly increase their workforce on demand. Whether itโ€™s to take advantage of a new grant, or to polish up existing features allowing the core team to focus on more fruitful endeavours, we want to provide the infrastructural and organisational layer to make this possibility a reality.

Our work spans a wide range of areas, including:

  • Unified Repository Access: The portal consolidates repositories from the entire ecosystem into a single platform, providing a comprehensive view without the need to navigate through GitHub,
  • Project Categorisation: The portal allows for refined searches based on specific interests and programming languages, enabling users to easily find projects that align with their skills and passions,
  • Issue Curation: Kudos will actively collaborate with projects to curate sets of high quality issues which provide all of the necessary context to allow a contributor to begin work,
  • Custom Incentives: We offer project maintainers the chance to utilise our smart contract templates along with customisable Github Workflows, allowing issues to be tagged with incentives which can later be automatically claimed by the contributor once the contribution has been accepted.


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